Tools you can use right now

We’ve all had the experience of friends, family and even relative strangers offering advice and suggestions. We may even agree with what they say or recommend. Part of how I practice is to ensure that you have the skills, tools and resources necessary to achieve your goals. Telling someone who is anxious to relax makes about as much sense as telling someone who is depressed to cheer up. For those of you who may be interested in hearing samples of the sorts of skills I teach, you can click on the players below.

Box breathing is a self-soothing skill that you can use to calm yourself. It taps into fundamental physiological processes inherent within and available to us all.

5-4-3-2-1 is another way for you to calm yourself, accessing and promoting your ability to become finely attuned to even the most subtle of your sensory experience thus allowing you to utilize them for your own well-being.

(Technical note: In order to be able to hear these audio clips, they have to be downloaded. If you would like to do that, hover your mouse over the audio player. A box will appear in the top right corner. Click on that and you will be directed to a page where you will be given the option to download the audio file. Once it has been down loaded, you may open the file on your computer. You may get a message warning that the file format is not supported and asking if you want to play it any way. When you click "yes" an audio player will open and you will be able to press play and listen to the file. I am sorry for this inconvenience and am striving to make it more convenient for you. I appreciate your patience and understanding. RS)

Box Breathing.mp3

Box Breathing 5-4-3-2-1